Sunday, 31 December 2017

Typical Drain Cleaner Ingredients Explained

Typical Drain Cleaner Ingredients Explained


Typical Drain Cleaner Ingredients Explained

Drain cleaners can come in three different forms: liquid, gel, and powder. Most of the drain cleaners on the market and on shelves use strong chemicals that create heat and break apart the clogged material with corrosion.

Caustic drain cleaners contain elements such as lye and what is known as caustic potash, hence the name. These elements adhere to the clogged substance, and then their hydroxide ions create the heat reaction that corrodes the clog. The heat causes greasy substances to become more soap-like, until it’s dissolved. These drain cleaners have the advantage of being heavier than water and that’s why they are able to penetrate through sitting water.

Oxidizing drain cleaners contain more well-known ingredients such as household bleach, peroxide, and nitrites. These chemicals cause gunk to have its electrons oxidized. It, too, releases heat and gas to clear the clog.

Drain cleaners made of acid aren’t usually found in stores, but instead are sold to professionals, plumbers and commercial cleaners for example. These drain cleaners contain high concentrations of sulfuric acid or hydrochloric acid, two ingredients that attract electrons from the clogged material. These chemicals react with the clog, causing heat and melts grease.

It’s no argument that these chemical based drain cleaners are powerful and can kick a clogged drain’s butt. If used as directed, the chemical-based drain cleaners should not cause too much harm or damage to newer pipes found in homes today. The drains of older homes are more at risk of damage, but all homes are at risk of damage if used repeatedly. However, it’s the human application that has alarming threats to the health. If these powerful chemicals are somehow accidentally ingested (often by children), inhaled, or even just make contact with your skin for too long a period. Imagine the way the drain cleaners have just been described to work on a clogged drain, dissolving all that’s in its way with a heat causing chemical reaction. Now imagine inhaling or coming into skin contact with that product.

There are alternatives that really work! BlueBio Drain Cleaner is both a safe and effective alternative to the chemical-based drain cleaners of the past. It uses natural probiotics that feed on the material that’s clogging your pipes. There are a number of applications for BlueBio Drain Cleaner including septic tanks, kitchen drains and even sewerage conduits. You can probably dream of other places to apply the power of BluBio. It loves organic matter and can assist you in the cleaning of any organic caked or clogged space.

The post Typical Drain Cleaner Ingredients Explained appeared first on BlueBio Drain Cleaner | Natural Safe Drain Cleaning Product | Biological Drain & Septic System Treatment.


Friday, 8 December 2017

Hosting Guests this Holiday? Keep These 5 Things in Mind

Hosting Guests this Holiday? Keep These 5 Things in Mind


Hosting Guests this Holiday? Keep These 5 Things in Mind

Baby and Child-Proof

If you’re having family over for dinner or overnight during the holiday season, it’s likely that you’ll have some children in your company. The first thing you can do is remove valuables and breakables from common areas. If smaller children under the age of 5 will be over, be sure you fully baby proof with the necessary cupboard locks and outlet plugs. The last thing you need to do is create a space where they are safe to play and fill it with fun things for them to do! Some suggestions are an art kit and large post-it note paper, a trunk full of dress up clothes, a microphone, and any necessary items they can create a show with, and movies acceptable for a wide age-range, a DVD player, TV, and comfy couch or bean bag chairs. Keeping blankets and pillows near is a great idea. Some kids will nap, even the older ones if they are tuckered out.

Capture the Memories

A cool way to entertain both the kids and the adults, is to provide them with disposable cameras to capture the memories of your get-together. Just like a wedding tradition, no one will know all the pictures taken and it will be a fun surprise once they are developed. After the season has passed, it will be a pleasant surprise your guests can receive via email.

Preparing a Guest Room/Space

If you have a guest room, replace the sheets with fresh ones. If you are providing air mattresses, test them beforehand. If at all possible, provide extra blankets and pillows for each guest in case they get cold or uncomfortable. Set out a spare towel for them on the bed, preferably one that’s a different color than your others so they know which is theirs. Have you kept toiletries from hotels before? Now is the time to place them neatly in the bathroom or on the towel on their bed. You can get really creative if you make a guest basket. Some suggestions for filling a guest basket include: travel toothpaste and toiletries, mini-bottles of wine, snack packs such as peanuts and trail mix or fruit, cheap house slippers, a loofah, different sized hand towels rolled neatly, and an eye mask. You can find all these things at your local Dollar Tree. A really cute idea to share your wifi password and any other pertinent instructions is to create a pretty printable on the computer and frame it on the wall of your guest space.

Continental Breakfast/Snack Bar

Inevitably, your guests will be hungry or thirsty during their stay, before and after dinner is served. One of the most uncomfortable things for guests are asking for food or feeling intrusive on your refrigerator, especially in the middle of the night for overnight guests. Preparing a small buffet of snacks and things to drink will give them a huge relief. Some things you might include are granola bars, muffins, cereal, fruit snacks, nuts, bottled water, sports drinks, juice, hot chocolate and apple cider packets. Be sure to provide a few plates and cups, preferably disposable. You can even provide a garbage beside the table. Be sure to let them know that milk and ice are available from the refrigerator and freezer.

Out of Town Guests

For out of town guests, you can provide a list of fun things to do in your town or city. Be sure to include some of the local favorites, as well as the tourist attractions. Some things you may include are favorite coffee shops and restaurants, museums, nature preserves and parks, and any historic or supposedly haunted sites.

The post Hosting Guests this Holiday? Keep These 5 Things in Mind appeared first on BlueBio Drain Cleaner | Natural Safe Drain Cleaning Product | Biological Drain & Septic System Treatment.


Monday, 10 April 2017

How To Keep Your Easter Activities Safe

How To Keep Your Easter Activities Safe


How To Keep Your Easter Activities Safe

Food Safety

One of the main overlooked hazards of Easter is food safety. Dyes are not typically healthy for ingestion so hands should be washed thoroughly before and after dying, eggs should be refrigerated thoroughly before and after dying, and any egg that’s shell is cracked should not be ingested because the dye might penetrate the surface of the egg. Furthermore, candies that are put inside plastic Easter eggs should be considered for those who have food allergies. Candies that do not contain dairy, peanuts, or gluten are among the safest for sensitive children to eat

Choking Hazards

If you choose to use plastic eggs, you’ll want to be sure that the contents are not choking hazards. If your children are older than 5 years old than you probably won’t need to worry about this too much, but if you do have toddlers participating in an Easter egg hunt or are receiving an Easter basket of plastic eggs filled with prizes, the best fillers for them will be toy cars, hair accessories, cereal and animal crackers or foods that easily dissolve.

Game Alternatives

If you’re concerned about hosting an Easter egg hunt outdoors, here are some fun games to consider as alternatives where children can easily be supervised.

Guess How Many Jelly Beans

Fill a jar with jelly beans and decorate a box on the side where children can submit their name and number for guessing how many beans are in the jar. You should know how many beans are in the jar ahead of time to save yourself the headache and be able to announce the winner before your guests leave the party. The closest guess to the actual number of jelly beans can take home the jar or be given another pre-established prize

Easter Egg Spoon Race

One of the most fun ways to play a spoon race is on teams for team building skills, to provide you more winners and less hurt feelings, and provide a good variety of different kinds of games. Split the children into teams of 5-7 players and have them line up behind their team at a starting line you can create with spray paint (on grass) or tape (on floor). At (ready, set) “GO!”, the front runner will carry an egg on a spoon as fast as they are able 15-20 feet away to another line, and back. Here they will pass the spoon to their next teammate. The team whose members all complete the race first wins!

The post How To Keep Your Easter Activities Safe appeared first on BlueBio Drain Cleaner | Natural Safe Drain Cleaning Product | Biological Drain & Septic System Treatment.


Thursday, 6 April 2017

EPA Safety Approval Labels

EPA Safety Approval Labels


EPA Safety Approval Labels

E.P.A. stands for the Environmental Protection Agency. The E.PA. Is responsible for protecting the health of the environment and people in their homes, schools, and workplaces. To achieve this they develop and enforce federal regulations safely and fairly, give grants, carry out environmental and human health research, publish and curate information and educate the public, and seek out and maintain sponsorship (including with other countries).

The E.P.A. Is a government agency that does all this, but some responsibilities maybe shared or delegated to other government or local agencies such as the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the Department of Energy Office Of Environmental Management. Nearly half the government budget dedicated to running the E.P.A., half is spent on awarding grants to State environmental programs, non-profit organizations, education institutions, etc. The majority of their missions are to conduct scientific research and organize community clean-up projects. These projects help the E.P.A make better decisions and implement better practices.

One division of the Environmental Protection Agency is dedicated to updating standards, conducting research, and enforcing safety regulations of consumer products. This division brings you an easy way to identify the safest chemical ingredient products “without sacrificing quality or performance”. Look for the “Safer Choice” label (previously known as the “Designed For The Environment” or DFE label) and know that you’ve got in your hands, one of the 2,000 safest products to use in your home, office, school, hotel, or sports venue.

The companies that sport the label have participated in the program voluntarily and put forth their own investment in research to meet the requirement to obtain the label. Every single ingredient that makes up the product, no matter the percentage, is reviewed by the E.P.A. The criteria for determining the safety to the environment and human exposure is carcinogenicity, reproductive/developmental toxicity, and toxicity to aquatic life, among other things. Products are also checked for pollution and respiratory threat, PH balance, and that they perform similarly to conventional products on the market. Together, the product creators and the E.P.A., make sure the label and design of the product also meets standards in conveying what it is and what it does.

For more information on this program and others like it, visit

The post EPA Safety Approval Labels appeared first on BlueBio Drain Cleaner | Natural Safe Drain Cleaning Product | Biological Drain & Septic System Treatment.


Wednesday, 29 March 2017

What Does Biodegradable Mean?

When something is biodegradable it means it’s capable of decomposing rapidly by the help of microorganisms found in nature, the earth or airborne. Photodegradable items are close relatives and they are capable of decomposing by the help of natural sunlight or even some forms of man-made light. It’s man-made products made of plastic and Styrofoam that harm our environment and take up valuable space and litter natural habitats for animals and humans alike. Biodegradable items include food, cotton, wool, wood, human and animal waste, and products manufactured with natural materials such as natural paper, fibers, and oils. Natural materials such as paper and orange peels take only months for mother nature to dissolve. The harmful man-made products that set us back such as leather shoes and tin cans can take up to 50 years or longer. Glass takes 1 million years to dissolve and plastic, our most often used material, will never truly dissolve by mother nature.

What Can We Do?

By voting for sustainability with our money by purchasing items that are biodegradable or re-usable we cancel out only some of the damage being caused on a regular basis. Luckily, businesses and people are catching onto the concept of restoring and protecting our resources, if not for our planet and future generations, for the popularity of our business and for stroking our egos. If you can’t purchase an item that is biodegradable or photodegradable, you can at least make an effort to recycle or reuse the items you do purchase. Thrift and recycled fashions, up-cycled home furniture and decor, and having a personal purpose or mission are all popular concepts on the rise. Be a star, and care for the environment, your home.

Your Sustainability Checklist

  • Purchase products with biodegradable packaging, second hand fashion and home decor, and the greenest products whenever possible

  • Learn how to organize your recycling for at home pick-up or find out where your nearest recycling facility is and what they recycle for future reference

  • Educate your children on the lifestyle changes you’re making to provide them a better earth for them and their children in the future

The post What Does Biodegradable Mean? appeared first on BlueBio Drain Cleaner | Natural Safe Drain Cleaning Product | Biological Drain & Septic System Treatment.


Thursday, 23 March 2017

Top Reasons To Use A Green Drain Cleaner

Top Reasons To Use A Green Drain Cleaner


Top Reasons To Use A Green Drain Cleaner

Even if you don’t experience regular clogs in bathrooms and kitchen drains, a good drain cleaner used monthly can maintain the integrity of pipes and reduce any odors being caused by rotting material. Using a green drain cleaner such as the one being used in this article as an example, is safe for your pets, children, and family to be near and protects your pipes from chemical corrosion. You’re also making a responsible choice for the environment, and supporting more ethical, responsible companies so that they can continue to pioneer better products for our future. Check out the reasons to go drain cleaner green below.


The most important reason to go greener with your drain cleaner is because traditional drain cleaners can contain a lot of toxic ingredients that can harm pets, children, and other residents. Not only this, but the chemicals we’ve been putting down drains for years is very harmful to the pipes, corroding them away over time and then releasing the chemicals outside the home can harm the environment as well. Bluebio Drain Cleaner does not contain lye, poison, perfume, solvents or harmful chemicals. Instead, it’s made of hungry live cultures that feed on the material that causes drain blockage. It’s safe for clogs, regular maintenance, garbage disposals, and RV tanks. The only thing that may hinder its full potential is a large amount of hair, which should first be minimized with a drain snake, wire hanger, or professional.

Lasts 4 Months

Using 2 ounces of product per month per drain for maintenance will make your bottle of Bluebio Drain Cleaner last as long as 4 months. If you want to do the calculation yourself, the bottle of Bluebio is 64 ounces and 2 ounces is suggested to be put down each drain in the home monthly. 4 month use was calculated based on the average home containing 8 drains total. In addition, if the bottle is sealed as it’s supposed to be and kept at room temperature it can last several years.

Acts Fast

The cultures within Bluebio Drain Cleaner are very hungry. Each unit eats its weight every 60 seconds and the cultures themselves double every 30 minutes!

Eliminates Odors and Maintains Clear Drains

The materials that cause odors in garbage disposals and drains are the materials the live cultures inside Bluebio eat quickly, so the stench will disappear as they are eaten. For best results, use Bluebio Drain Cleaner regularly and you won’t have the smells return. As mentioned previously, large amounts of hair in a clog can pose a problem to the process. The product is still a great one to use in showers and hair care facilities. You can first remove as much hair as possible from the drain, allow the product longer to produce results, and use it more regularly to prevent build up in the future.

The post Top Reasons To Use A Green Drain Cleaner appeared first on BlueBio Drain Cleaner | Natural Safe Drain Cleaning Product | Biological Drain & Septic System Treatment.


Monday, 20 March 2017

Top Reasons To Use A Green Drain Cleaner

Top Reasons To Use A Green Drain Cleaner


Top Reasons To Use A Green Drain Cleaner

Even if you don’t experience regular clogs in bathrooms and kitchen drains, a good drain cleaner used monthly can maintain the integrity of pipes and reduce any odors being caused by rotting material. Using a green drain cleaner such as the one being used in this article as an example, is safe for your pets, children, and family to be near and protects your pipes from chemical corrosion. You’re also making a responsible choice for the environment, and supporting more ethical, responsible companies so that they can continue to pioneer better products for our future. Check out the reasons to go drain cleaner green below.


The most important reason to go greener with your drain cleaner is because traditional drain cleaners can contain a lot of toxic ingredients that can harm pets, children, and other residents. Not only this, but the chemicals we’ve been putting down drains for years is very harmful to the pipes, corroding them away over time and then releasing the chemicals outside the home can harm the environment as well. Bluebio Drain Cleaner does not contain lye, poison, perfume, solvents or harmful chemicals. Instead, it’s made of hungry live cultures that feed on the material that causes drain blockage. It’s safe for clogs, regular maintenance, garbage disposals, and RV tanks. The only thing that may hinder its full potential is a large amount of hair, which should first be minimized with a drain snake, wire hanger, or professional.

Lasts 4 Months

Using 2 ounces of product per month per drain for maintenance will make your bottle of Bluebio Drain Cleaner last as long as 4 months. If you want to do the calculation yourself, the bottle of Bluebio is 64 ounces and 2 ounces is suggested to be put down each drain in the home monthly. 4 month use was calculated based on the average home containing 8 drains total. In addition, if the bottle is sealed as it’s supposed to be and kept at room temperature it can last several years.

Acts Fast

The cultures within Bluebio Drain Cleaner are very hungry. Each unit eats its weight every 60 seconds and the cultures themselves double every 30 minutes!

Eliminates Odors and Maintains Clear Drains

The materials that cause odors in garbage disposals and drains are the materials the live cultures inside Bluebio eat quickly, so the stench will disappear as they are eaten. For best results, use Bluebio Drain Cleaner regularly and you won’t have the smells return. As mentioned previously, large amounts of hair in a clog can pose a problem to the process. The product is still a great one to use in showers and hair care facilities. You can first remove as much hair as possible from the drain, allow the product longer to produce results, and use it more regularly to prevent build up in the future.

The post Top Reasons To Use A Green Drain Cleaner appeared first on BlueBio Drain Cleaner | Natural Safe Drain Cleaning Product | Biological Drain & Septic System Treatment.


Thursday, 9 March 2017

Top Green Home Cleaning Products

Top Green Home Cleaning Products


Top Green Home Cleaning Products

Making an effort to use greener products is best for the environment, your family, and your pets. It’s more likely these options will lead to better business and social practices of all cleaning companies going into the future as well. Make a statement and improve your health by considering these 4 favorite green cleaning products.

Make Your Own

For the conscious cleaners who are trying to also be budget friendly or just don’t care to research the cleanest cleaning products, there is always the option to make your own. Baking soda, vinegar, and pure castile soap can go a long way. Some people enjoy making their own cleaning products and even add essential oils they prefer to add a nice aroma. Recipes are spread across the web for soft scrubs, all-purpose cleaner, disinfecting wipes, and even laundry detergent. If you are a do-it-yourself, this option might be for you!

Norwex and Textured Products That Clean

Norwex products are made of various materials and clean mostly with nothing but water. Some people really enjoy the simplicity this option has to offer, but then must take extra care of these products with laundering and preventing mold and bacteria caused by moisture. A common material is microfiber for cleaning, dusting, and polishing, but they have an array of innovative patent protected materials that clean miraculously. The price point of these products are higher than the next two, but are an investment you won’t regret in the long run.

Method and 7th Generation

Method and 7th Generation products are rated highly and one of the most accessible products. Those who already shop for other items at Target, will be glad to know these are some of Target’s staple companies. 7th Generation laundry detergent is a popular choice and Method carries every under-the-sink cleaner you could ever want and awesome scented hand soaps as well.

Mrs. Meyer’s

Mrs. Meyer’s is carried by Bed, Bath, and Beyond, Whole Foods and other more naturally centered grocery stores. Their products are spoken of highly and their prices are comparable to Target’s staple green brands. If you already shop at Whole Foods or a grocery store that carries Mrs. Meyer’s, this product will be convenient for you to pick up regularly.

The post Top Green Home Cleaning Products appeared first on BlueBio Drain Cleaner | Natural Safe Drain Cleaning Product | Biological Drain & Septic System Treatment.


Thursday, 2 March 2017

Keeping Children Safe From Products Under The Sink

Keeping Children Safe From Products Under The Sink


Keeping Children Safe From Products Under The Sink

Poisoning is among the top ten most common accidents among children. Every day 2 children die of poisoning and 300 are admitted to the emergency department for related incidents. Items you might not otherwise think as poisonous are popular causes, along with not properly child proofing the home and supervising children as closely as they need to be. Take these 5 precautions and share with the parents you care about to protect the small children you know from this potential harm.

Baby proof your home

Although there is no replacement for proper supervision, cabinet locking products are among the best measures you can take to prevent children from getting into the dangerous products in your home. It only takes seconds to minutes for a child to find new things to explore. It’s in their DNA to find and put things in their mouth upon discovery. Not only are cleaning chemicals a risk, but plants, cosmetics, and coins. There has been a rise in consumption of dishwasher and clothing detergents since they’ve been made into pods that look like candy to a child. The most popular choking hazard is coins. Baby-proofing droors, especially bedside and junk droors, is also a great idea. Find the baby proof section at your local Target or Toys ‘R’ Us branch. To really determine what you need and how you can re-arrange your home, consider crawling on the floor at the level your baby or child would. This will allow you to see what they see, and what they have the potential to get into!

Have emergency contact information readily available

You will have a babysitter eventually, and anyone who watches your child should have access to a list of contacts on the fridge. First your phone numbers, other emergency contact people, and finally the national Poison Control Center phone number which is 1-800-222-1222. Other numbers you might include are the non-emergency police phone number, the fire department, the nearest emergency room, your regular doctor’s office, and of course, 9-1-1. There are magnets made specifically for keeping these numbers securely to your fridge. Be sure to remind your sitter any information you want them to know and where they can find the things they’ll need.

Know where the nearest emergency room is

In case of an urgent situation without anytime permitting to call a professional, you’ll want to head straight to the nearest emergency room. It’s great to have the address programmed to your phone, GPS, or on your refrigerator with your emergency contact information, but it’s even better to have driven there yourself and know how to get their by memory as well.

Know the symptoms of poisoning

You may not know that your child has gotten a hold of a medication and you should know the signs of poisoning so that you can catch it after it’s happened even though you didn’t see it. Symptoms include:

-Difficulty breathing

-Blurred vision




-Loss of muscle control


-Fever and more

If you notice anything out of the ordinary, call poison control to confirm what you are noticing and be walked through the process of evaluating the situation. Always try your best to remain calm. Deep breathing in through your nose and out through your mouth can calm your heart and override the panic you can feel from the stress hormone, Cortisol.

Greenify the home further

If at all possible, having the greenest home possible can lessen the chances your child would be harmed by the products kept in your home. There are ways to make your own cleaning products, or you can buy them from the store. More than looking for the terms “Green”, “Non-toxic”, and “Natural”, read the ingredients yourself to determine the contents are safe.

The post Keeping Children Safe From Products Under The Sink appeared first on BlueBio Drain Cleaner | Natural Safe Drain Cleaning Product | Biological Drain & Septic System Treatment.


Wednesday, 22 February 2017

Why The Shower Gets Cold (or Hot) When You Flush The Toilet

Why The Shower Gets Cold (or Hot) When You Flush The Toilet


Why The Shower Gets Cold (or Hot) When You Flush The Toilet

It’s actually not likely that using the toilet while someone is showering would cause the hot shower to become cold, but the contrary, the shower should actually get warmer or too hot. This is because your plumbing system should have a main trunk and water supply with branches coming off it to supply individual rooms. The hot and cold supplies are separate, so if the toilet is flushed (a cold water source), it is only the cold water supply that is affected across the rooms in the home. The cold water supply is reduced by the toilet, reducing only the cold water supply to the shower and causing it to be more hot temporarily. If this, in fact, is what you experience in your home and don’t like it, there are a few things you can do.

You can reduce how much water is being used by the toilet by adjusting the supply valve to the toilet, but this might increase the noise and fill time, as well as minimize its ability to flush larger contents. It might be easier to experiment with the use of the tank. By placing a jug or brick in the back of the toilet, it will use less water when flushing. Be sure you have instruments available in case of a blockage, such as a strong plunger or bucket to send additional water and down. Installing a low-flush toilet is also an option, but toilets made after 2002 should be efficient, according to standards that were put in place at the time.

If you are in fact experience sudden cold showers at times it’s probably due to a low supply in warm or hot water. This could be caused by previous showers using up the hot water that was available and needs time to replenish or the use of hot water in a clothing or dish washer can have the same affect. If you have an electric hot water heater and the previous shower was 20 minutes long, you’re looking at a 50-60 minute wait for the most available hot water for the next shower. If you have a gas hot water heater, the wait will be much less. Regardless, wait between showers and see if this is your problem.

The thermostatic mixing valve is a valve that hooks up to all showers and tubs in your home and keeps temperatures constant, no matter the circumstance. These valves are not standard in all home’s plumbing and should be checked to see if you have one and if it needs adjusting. Your local plumber can help you with this and make any changes or adjustments if you are experiencing this common issue or use a lot of water due to having multiple residents, guests or a business that uses a lot of water.

The post Why The Shower Gets Cold (or Hot) When You Flush The Toilet appeared first on BlueBio Drain Cleaner | Natural Safe Drain Cleaning Product | Biological Drain & Septic System Treatment.


Thursday, 16 February 2017

So Your Toilet Has Overflowed

So Your Toilet Has Overflowed


So Your Toilet Has Overflowed

Unless you can blame your children for putting non-flushable items down the toilet, overflowing can be so embarrassing. Imagine how bad you’d feel if it were to happen to you at someone else’s home! Here is what you need to know to handle this situation with as much dignity as possible.

Why Has This Happened?

You’re probably asking the man upstairs “Why?! Why did this happen to me?!”, but instead need to know why your toilet overflowed in the first place. The main culprit is a blockage somewhere in the pipes, either from build up of some kind or having something flushed that shouldn’t have been. This probably can be fixed easily with a toilet plunger with a lot of suction. If this relieves the problem and makes the water go down as it should, you have your perpetrator. If this is not effective or the water is slow to drain, you might have a defect in the plumbing or flow managing mechanism and need to call a plumber. If you think this may be your problem, duct tape your toilet shut with a sign to prevent further damage.

How To Clean It Up

  1. After you’ve “fixed” the toilet, if even temporarily, you will want to remove any large debris from the floor. Human waste and toilet paper can be re-flushed a little amount at a time and any items damaged by contact can be thrown in the garbage or bucket for sanitation.

  1. The excess water needs to be drained from the area. This can be done manually using towels or if flooded enough, might require a pump of some kind.

  1. Sanitizing the cupboards, floor, bathtub wall, base of toilet and any other point of contact can be done with clean, warm or hot water and a little bit of low sud detergent. Bleach is also an option for sanitation for the surfaces, as well as the items that you may have put aside for washing. Please look up proper recommendations, read your bleaching product’s label, and be sure to know which surfaces will benefit or be damaged by the use of bleach before using.

Knowing what to do in this situation will make it easier for the owner, their guest or children, and any plumber that may need to come and assess the situation. Share this article with a home or business owner you care about today and save them the stress as well.

The post So Your Toilet Has Overflowed appeared first on BlueBio Drain Cleaner | Natural Safe Drain Cleaning Product | Biological Drain & Septic System Treatment.


Friday, 10 February 2017

Looking For An All Natural Drain Cleaner?

Looking For An All Natural Drain Cleaner?


Looking For An All Natural Drain Cleaner?

Are You Looking for An All Natural Drain Cleaner?

Most drains normally get clogged from time to time. You will realize that these drains usually get clogged with either grunge, food particles, waste matter and so on. This can be detrimental. These wastes can interfere with the smooth flow of dirty water in your home. It is up to you to decide if you would care to try the natural drain cleaners and help in preserving the environment. This can be manufactured by drain cleaner industries or even homemade drain cleaners. Natural drain cleaners are normally manufactured without using any artificial agents. In this case, active microscopic agents are utilized in making them.

All Natural Drain CleanerBlueBio is a Completely All Natural Drain Cleaner

Are you looking for a safe and effective drain cleaner? We have the ultimate solution for you. BlueBio drainer cleaner can help you a great deal. It can greatly help you to clean your clogged pipes. It can clean those pipes to ensure that waste flows smoothly. There are many reasons why you need to get this natural drain cleaner:

1. Consist of cultured bacteria

You will realize that BlueBio contains cultured bacteria. These bacteria act by feeding on the material clogging the pipes and as a result break down the accumulated solids. This means that there will be a smooth flow in the pipes.

2. It is not toxic.

You will realize that normal drain cleaning products often include toxic ingredients such as ammonia, methyl chloride, acids and so on. These ingredients are not eco-friendly. This is the reason why you need to consider BlueBio drain cleaner for cleaning your pipes. This product is eco-friendly and therefore is harmless for the environment.

3. It is biodegradable

Normal drain cleaners are not biodegradable. You will realize that these cleaners normally have chemicals that make them not to be biodegradable. However, BlueBio drain cleaner is biodegradable. It can easily break down easily and cannot harm our water and soil system.

4. Does not cause allergies.

Some drain cleaners normally cause allergies to their users. This can be detrimental to your health. Such products can actually irritate the skin and the respiratory tract. However, BlueBio does not cause allergies. You can readily use it anytime.

5. Ease of use.

This is the other benefit of this drain cleaner. You do not require any kind of mixing or messing that often happens with the normal ones. This is the other reason why you need to buy this product today.

BlueBio is very effective when to comes to cleaning your clogged pipes. It can actually help in removing the accumulated organic matter including fats, grease and so on. You will realize that as the break down continues, liquids flowing through the pipes normally wash away the debris thereby leaving the pipes clean to use.

Most homeowners have bought this product and have enjoyed the results. It is advisable that you look for a product that is eco-friendly so that it can preserve the environment. BlueBio is a one of those products that you should choose. You have a responsibility over your home. Buy this product today and you will not regret.

The post Looking For An All Natural Drain Cleaner? appeared first on BlueBio Drain Cleaner | Natural Safe Drain Cleaning Product | Biological Drain & Septic System Treatment.
